Be Fitter - Be Safer - Be Slimmer and Have a Great Time
Didsbury Black Belt Academy provides adult martial arts in Manchester for students of 13 years and above. The classes cater for a wide range of students wishing to study and qualify in various aspects of martial arts. The adults class is the final development stage within the academy, and all the students passing their black belt have accomplished their goals and achieved the standard which is required by the academy. There is no age limit and it’s never too late to start martial arts.
The structure
We are going to start you off with Easy to learn routines that is going to get you stronger, fitter and more confident in a very short amount of time.
As I probably indicated before 99% of your workout is designed to get you working with the support of a partner. As you get stronger and more confident we will increase your work and intensity.

Benefits of our Program
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." Jim Rohn
Most People Fail to achieve their goals due to the inability to push themselves. We tend to ask our prospective clients who are looking to get fit why they don't join a gym? The answer is usually because I have done that and I could't push myself on the tread mill, bike, cross trainer and so on. Some of our clients spent £25 to £75 an hour with personal trainers and as soon as the money ran out so did their motivation. Our instructors provide you with Martial arts discipline.
We will push you that extra mile and inspire you to develop self discipline which is the most important form of discipline for a lot less than a personal trainer. Our program is virtually like an individual personal training session as the instructor will interact with each member within the class. Better still each member within the class has a culture to assist each other. We promise to help you to develop the most important personal characteristic of all, self-discipline.
"Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power." Clint Eastwood
Our D.R.E.A.M.S. program is unique. The atmosphere in our academy is all about respect. We have No Ego's, No Thugs just fun. Our aim is to better ourselves rather than being better than others. We take pride in developing, learning new skills, growing in confidence and increasing our fitness. Focusing on improvement and working towards new heights and goals is the ultimate demonstration of self-respect. Part of our self- respect is our desire to achieve the grade of black belt regardless of any obstacles or sticking points that come our way.
"Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body." Arnold Schwarzenegger
Ever been involved in long boring cardio sessions and it has been a push to get yourself to go back to the next class. In our classes you will never be bored as there is always something new and exciting. Our interval training approach to Martial arts will give the best work out of your life but still allow you to work at you own acceptable pace. Our program is so well designed that after your work out you body will still be burning Calories for up to 36 hours. This is because of a little known secret principle known as the "After burn Effect"
"It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable." Moliere
Have you started a program before and have given up after a few days or weeks due to boredom or lack of results? We will not let you QUIT on your goals! If you have a goal we will hold you accountable and work on keeping you on track every step of the way. Our Belt system is a great tool for keeping you on track. We want you to achieve amazing results and our client care system provides you with help and support along the way.
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." Zig Ziglar
Great coaches and great teachers have the power to inspire and motivate there students to achieve things they never dreamt of achieving. You will always do less than you think you can and it takes a special instructor or team of instructors to make that difference. If you are looking for new motivations to get you to new levels then we are the team for you.
Self Defence
"Preventing being a victim, either by precautions or making yourself ready in the unlikely event of being subjected to violence. Makes sense in my book". Master E
There are hundreds of self defence systems and they all profess to be the best. The fact is a punch is a punch and a kick is a kick and most violent people on the street have no self discipline to be proficient in the fight game. We will provide you with a rounded view of the martial arts and through repetition you will have the ability to ward off attacks from an undesirable and keep your loved ones safe. If you heart desires we will even provide you with an arena to pressure test your skills with only members who wish to do this. Our Adult Kickboxing program provides something for everyone. We provide the flare of boxing, the strength of Muay thai, the organisation of Karate, the continuity and simplicity of krav maga, the fluidness of kung fu and the kicks of taekwondo.